29 September 2010

Long Awaited Greetings from The Big City

Greetings from New York City!

I have so much to say, and so little time to say it. I've been here for five weeks now, and I have to say Barnard is amazing. I couldn't have chosen a better school to come to, in all honesty! My classes--Ethnicity and Social Transformation, Intermediate French II, Intro to Comparative Ethnic Studies, and Intro to Women and Gender Studies--are ridiculously great. I have wonderful professors, all of whom love their job and are passionate about the job, so who could seriously ask for more. I do have to admit that I have never worked this hard in my entire life. It's not that I expected this school to be easy, but it's far from it in all respects. I have at least 300 pages of reading a week, plus writing assignments due. It's difficult, yet I don't think I would have it anyway. Socially, everything is very normal. I have made some really great friends, and I really enjoy hanging out with them. I am still meeting cool new people everyday, and all of them are very different from one another. There is a great diversity here at Barnard. Though I go to an all women's college, there are guys around and in three of my four classes.
The city is amazing, but there isn't much time to explore during the week. However, on the weekends, we go all out. I've been to Governor's Island, which is a little island off the tip of Manhattan. We walked around and went to a little art fair. It was lots of fun! I've been to Little Italy, for the San Gennaro festival, and had lots of fun. We've explored lots of places downtown, but there's so much left to see! I can't wait. Last weekend, I went to NYU to visit an old friend and had a blast too!
Morningside Heights, where Barnard is located, is also awesome. It's like a little college town in a huge city. There is so much history, two parks, and the largest cathedral in the world. Bet you didn't know that.
I find that I am homesick at least one day a week, and I really miss my cats and my family. Alongside all that, I really miss my friends. There's a lot of change in my life right now, and I like routine, so it's a bit difficult. I can't wait to see everyone at Thanksgiving though.
Well, I have so much work to do, so I have to go get back to that. I will write again soon. I'm seeing Regina Spektor at the New Yorker Festival this weekend; it should be great!


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